Monday, March 7, 2011

New Here

I guess this is me saying hello to the fascinating blogging world...but don't expect anything too fascinating to come from me. ;) The title of my blog came from the idea that my children are my shadows. They follow me everywhere and even when they are big enough to lead their own life, they will always be a shadow of their life with me. I will have molded them and they will always me much greater than me. I used to be smart--until I had kids and they teach me something new every day.

Introductions? Ehh I'm never too good at introducing myself. So here's the easiest way.
Name: Heather Mayfield
Maritial Status: Married, hopelessly in love with a crazy military man named Colt.

Occupation: Full time college student AND part time piss collector for pain clinics. ((and of course MOMMY to two amazing kiddos)).
Hobbies: Playing Sports (volleyball, soccer, softball, basketball, etc), Scrapbooking, MY KIDS, Reading, Flying Kites, Swimming, Getting Dirty, Photography (okay really what I do is not photography, more like snapping pictures)...
Religious Views: I'm a Chrisitian. Methodist is my church of choice.
Political Views: Usually republician.

Parenting Style: Mostly attachment parenting.

MY KIDS. My Shadows.

My First Born, My Princess, My Diva, My Angel, My Girl.
*Chyenne Taylor*
She's the smartest child I have ever met. She does everything on HER time (we should have known that by her birth... 3-day induction, enough said). She has always done everything early (from holding her head up just hours old to rolling over at 3 weeks, to talking at 5 months to standing at 6 months to walking at 9 months to potty training way before 2 to everything!). She is my light. Hard to believe my princess will be THREE years old in 18 days. WOW! Where has the time gone? My princess is daring yet cautious. She is my little sponge who loves to learn new things. She is very girly and tells me that she is going to be a cheerleader (which btw, I have never been fond of cheerleaders. I like "real" sports. ;)) soon and that she wants to be "a cowgirl ballerina who sings and dances" when she grows up. She loves Taylor Swift (and comments that she loves how Taylor Swift has blond hair just like her!...another thing I have always hated... blonds!) She is proving to me that she is her own person. She is very much my opposite when it comes to things, but we are entirely compatable. Daddy often calls her "Mommy Jr". She is very opinionated and affectionate. She is my girl (although she's quite a daddy's girl too).

My Baby, My Little Man, Mr Rough and Tough, My Charmer, MY BOY.
*Cohen Jacob*
He is full of surprises. He is rough and tough. He is quite the charmer. Cohen is my free-spirited one. He is the sweetest little guy you'll ever meet... but he does have quite the temper. I say it's the Mayfield coming out in him. He can also be super mean. He often reminds me of the sour patch kids commercials "first they're sour then they're sweet!". Sooo Cohen. He'll headbutt you then kiss you. Oh I love my little man. He definitely stole my heart the minute he was born. He is so handsome and loving. He is my little side-kick. He is a trouble-maker... but nothing bad, he's just mischevious. He is a thinker and doesn't say too much. He'll be TWO in August. TWO?! My BABY will be TWO! AHHHH! He is always very smart, but more so with his actions/motor skills. :) He's going to break some hearts one day. He's without a doubt a big ole mama's boy! I love every second of it.

Well that's it for introductions. :) Pics soon to come.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! Glad you have this for us to keep up with you and you're precious family. I have a blog too if you wanna add me I haven't updated in a while but I'll try to get it updated. I tend to forget about it sometimes LOL. I hope everything is ok with you and you're family!
