Summer is definitely my favorite season of the year. Here in GA, (when it's not raining), we get to enjoy a ton of things.
Swimming: Cohen has been doing SO well in the pool this summer. He can hold his breath under water, float on his back, doggy paddle, and even swim short distances under water! He is getting braver with jumping in the pool and diving to the bottom to fetch toys. I am SO proud of him.
I believe Chyenne was supposed to be a mermaid. This is her THIRD summer swimming without floaties. She has been able to swim under water since she was two years old. Now, at five years old, she swims under water, on top of water, floats on her back, back strokes all around, does flips under water (forwards and backwards, even multiple ones sometimes without coming above water for a new breath), underwater handstands, dives to get toys, jumps in with various tricks into the pool and she has even MASTERED a backflip off of the diving board into the pool. She amazes me so much.
Time with best friends and tricycle races.
(Chyenne has also perfected riding a 16 inch bike without training wheels! Pics soon to come! Cohen is learning to ride his 12 inch bike without training wheels but he is a little hesitant).
Celebrating FAMILY, FAITH AND LIFE! Here are Chyenne & Cohen with their daddy, Uncle Chase (who suffers TBI after being assaulted, in a coma, and given no chance to live in April), Uncle Cody and cousin Cayden. Thank you God, for allowing Chase to continue to improve and for allowing our family to grow even closer. We are eternally grateful.
Summer allows for wearing this sweet boy out so much that he actually NAPS on occasion! Isn't he precious?
Summer also allows for going to the movies! We saw Superman: Man of Steel this summer and loved it. Here is Cohen's superman shadow after the movie (in his superman cape shirt).
Eating out. My kids now request Red Lobster, Olive Garden, and Chinese just about every night for supper. Too bad I still cook most nights. ;)
Summer reading is another favorite part of summer. Chyenne is such a good reader. I think her kindergarten teacher will be impressed come August. ;)

Oh summer, you have been SO good to us. We are looking forward to enjoying the rest of the summer and the warm weather that continues until almost the end of the year around here. 2013 has flown by far too quickly, but I am so glad that we have been able to make such precious memories.
We have also enjoyed a lot of ice cream sundaes, bike rides, dirt bike practices, family and friends, board games, playdoh, catching fireflies, and so much more. I hope all of you are having a terrific summer as well.
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