Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Family: Taken For Granted

It seems as if every day I tell my girl, "be nice to your brother, he's the only one you'll ever have" or I'll tell my boy, "be kind to your sister, she's the only sister you'll ever have". Every time I say it, I can't help but feel a pain that maybe our family isn't complete. Maybe, despite careful planning and prevention, our family is not done growing. Maybe, just maybe, my children will be lucky enough to have more siblings one day. Maybe I should be more careful with my word choices. Maybe I should say "be kind to your brother, because he is the only biological brother you will ever have" or "be nice to you sister, she is the only biological sister you will ever have". Maybe our family could grow through ADOPTION. Yes, adoption.
My heart has been heavy for orphans for the past year or so. Specifically, special needs orphans. My heart aches for them. I spend endless hours searching the web for adoption blogs, success stories, and horror stories. I spend countless hours looking at special needs orphan websites like Reece's Rainbow and other amazing sites. I google statistics. I mule it over and over. I pray about it. I discuss it with my husband, my sisters, my parents. I can't get it out of my head.

I know. I truly know that we are not in the best position to adopt at this point. Maybe within the next 5-10 years. Colt could deploy again in the near future. I am still finishing up school and my medical career is just taking off. I am still slightly undecided on whether or not I should pursue more teaching opportunities. We aren't financially stable enough to afford adoption. We have debt, tons of it. We have plans, selfish plans, with our small family. It doesn't keep me from wanting more.

Far too often, we take family for granted. We expect to come home and have our family love on us. We even expect them to get on our nerves and annoy us. We neglect our graciousness because we rely on family. What if we did not have the families we were born into? What if we didn't have mothers and fathers to call? What if we didn't have children to love and adore? What if we were like orphans. Family-less children who desperately need a family to cherish them? Family-less children who really just want love and affection and a place to call home with people to call family? What if? I can't imagine thinking of my two amazing children sitting in a place without constant love.

What if we were able to make a difference in the world? One person cannot help everyone in the world, but everyone can help at least one person.

I have been reading an amazing blog,, where this inspirational family took the plunge to adopt two incredible children.

I desire to be compassionate enough, gracious enough, and Godly enough, to grow my family through adoption.

In the mean time, as I continue to pray about it, talk to hubby about it (he has his doubts), and research it, I want you to look at this sweet face:, the face of an angel who just wants a family. I so wish she could be a part of our family. I know she would fit right in, despite her "special needs". My heart aches for her happiness. Maybe, one of you readers can help her find her forever family.

Praying for Iris and all of the other family-less angels in our world. XOXO!

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