Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cohen, The Karate Kid

I mentioned in a previous post that Cohen won the Role Model award for school. Such a great honor for such a little boy. He won a whole package of goodies--including an 8-week free certificate to a local martial arts class. WOW! He has been begging to take karate to be a real ninja for quite a while, so this was right up his alley.

He has done a phenomenal job. He has stayed on task, listened well to his Grand Master, and pushed himself to do what is asked of him.

I love that he has something that is ALL his. Something that he was interested in and something that he is genuinely excited to work on.

It is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. He shines in class. Usually, he is the youngest and the smallest in the class. That doesn't discourage him though. He is also the LOUDEST and the most persistent.
In fact, last week his Grand Master made all of the other students do push ups for not being as loud as Cohen.

He has already earned one stripe on his white belt, when he gets two, he is eligible to advance to a yellow belt. He can hardly wait!

Last week, my nephew Malaki joined the class too, after seeing how much fun it was for Cohen and the other kids in the class.

In other news, he is also excelling at school. He is the youngest one in his pre-k class and virtually the youngest kid in his whole elementary school. I met with his teachers last week and got nothing but great reports. He demonstrates incredible leadership skills, amazing creativity, compassionate teamwork, and so much more. His teachers said that he is right on target for everything and excelling in many areas. He knows all of his letters and letter sounds. He knows all of his numbers and can count past 100. He recognizes patterns and sentences. He is eager to learn. I was most impressed with his report of being so mature. That is something that many young kids in school struggle with. Maturity. He doesn't. According to his teacher, he is one of the most mature children in the classroom. He understands things at higher levels, he possesses great empathy and he controls himself. I have no doubt that his "karate" will help build on that.
Cohen, I am certain that you are going places, my boy. You have no idea how proud you make Daddy and me. You have a special joy about you that is completely indescribable. You are diligent and confident. You are strong and amazing. I am so very lucky to be your mommy. I am in awe of you every single day. Thank you for being you.

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