Friday, August 12, 2011

Cohen is TWO!

On Thursday, August 4, our sweet baby turned TWO!

We celebrated lots! On his actual birthday, we took him to Chuck E Cheese for pizza, fun and games. We won over 1,400 tickets and he had a blast playing with mommy, daddy, and sister.

After Chuck E Cheese fun, we came home and put together his two "big" birthday gifts. He got a "man grill" and a tent. He adores both of them. (As does big sister)
Cohen has grown up soooo much in the past year (don't they all)! Well in the past several months, Cohen has made great strides to becoming a BIG boy! He finally weaned from nursing AND potty trained at nearly 22 months old. He still wears a diaper to bed, but Thursday (8/04)  night he told me "gone gone diaper!" so I let him sleep in undies. Guess what?! The little guy didn't have an accident all night! He woke me up around 3 AM saying "pobby mommy! pobby!" (potty). I promptly took him potty and he went right back to sleep! He has only wet half of the nights since his bday. He's growing up so fast and I couldn't be more proud of him!

He's talking so much now too. Big sister Chyenne was a talker from the time she knew she had a voice... well Cohen didn't take to talking more than a few words and grunts until about 19-20 months of age. Now, he always speaks. His little voice melts my heart. Current favorite phrases: "no! That's mine, Chyenne!" "It's all gone gone!" "Mommy do it!" "I daddy's big boy!"

I know I've said this before, but Cohen is ALL BOY! Literally, everything he does is exactly what a typical boy would do. We'll be INSIDE playing and he'll beg to "go out on porch and peeeeee!" So that's what he does, he'll go outside on the porch just to pee off it! (Thankfully we don't have neighbors too close). He adores trucks, cars, dirt, balls, bikes, DINOSAURS, PIRATES, legos, blocks, noise, climbing, jumping, sliding, wrestling etc. He is a complete joy and I love watching him grow every day.

Cohen also has a really kind heart. He often proclaims his love for one person and runs to whomever he loves at the moment to give hugs, kisses, and tons of snuggles. If anyone has a "boo boo" or an "owie", Cohen is there to kiss it all better. He's really an awesome little guy. I can't believe it's been TWO YEARS since my sweet boy was born. I couldn't imagine a better son for God to bless me with and likewise, I can't even think to imagine my life without Cohen. He definitely has my heart.

It seems like just yesterday I was holding my big, round, enormous (you get the point) belly anxiously anticipating his arrival to this world. I constantly wondered who he would be. Well two years later, I know the answer. He is MY pride and joy! :) He was born weighing a whopping 7 lbs 13 oz and I instantly knew he would hold my heart for the rest of his life.
On Saturday, we celebrated Cohen's second birthday with a huge pirate pool party. Picture post to follow! :)

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