Monday, September 30, 2013

Summer's End

Once school started back, it has hard to find time to soak up the end of summer... but we did!
Here is Chyenne on her first day of Cheerleading practice.
 Modeling her new uniform. Go Wildcats!

 One evening, after dinner, the kids were running wild around the house and I decided to surprise them with the sprinkler. They ran around for nearly an hour in only their undies. Oh the joy! Cohen kept shouting, "this is the best day ever!"

My sweet, beautiful babies ready for school.

Finally, their well-checks. We delay vaccinations, so Chyenne finally had her 5 year well check. Due to her vitamin deficiencies, she is never truly "healthy" so she only gets one shot at a time.

Cohen is now 43 pounds. He turned 4 on August 4th.
Chyenne is now 45 pounds. She turned 5 on March 25th.
They both have perfect vision and are growing right on track. They are both developmentally off of the charts for their ages. WOO!

We had to soak up the end of summer by swimming a few more times.
We are so proud of Cohen because he learned to SWIM without floaties this summer. Chyenne has always been a fish (swimming at age 2) but Cohen was more hesitant in water. This year though? He was a little shark!

Chyenne has perfected her underwater tricks.

Summer's end allowed for a date night... not a traditional date night for most people. Hubby and I prefer low-key nights of going fast & getting dirty. Yeehaw. ;)

Quite possibly my favorite part of the end of summer, beginning of fall is SOCCER! Soccer season is in full swing and my two are quite impressive on the field.

Chyenne is getting better and better at balancing, but her real skills are on the field. She is our most aggressive player with great ball control.

Another goody about recently is obtaining joint custody of this little princess. Meet Cassidy, my niece who is with us now 50% of the time. While it's definitely tough, it is such a joy to help her learn and grow, especially knowing that spending time with us is one of the only way she gets attention. Poor baby.

Chy had her first parade for cheerleading. She was adorable.

Cohen also rode in the parade with his uncle who owns a body shop. ;)

One of my best friends (since kindergarten, yall!) and I attended a gorgeous country wedding for another bestie. We had a blast.

And if you guys didn't already know, I really, really, really want a farm. I would totally settle for hanging out with my kids, hubby and lil piggy with a barn though.

We also have been enjoying the sky! Oh our Lord certainly knows how to paint the perfect backdrop.

Shooting rockets is another favorite. Cohen and Daddy worked hard to build their rockets, but it was even more fun when Pops, aka Colt's dad, came over to help build and launch them. Below is a picture of Colt and his dad launching a rocket.

Chy & Coh had a blast helping fire the rockets. I loved watching them get excited with Daddy.

Riding four wheelers (through the field) before a soccer game.

First soccer game of the season. I have the pleasure of coaching my two kids and my niece on one team this year. I am so very proud of them.

Here is my outstanding U-6 soccer team. We are currently undefeated after 4 games. They are really incredible, which is really awesome considering we moved Cohen up to this age bracket before he was technically old enough to play.

He has fit right in with the rest of the team. He is very aggressive and is our best goalie on the team.

 He also works really hard on getting stronger kicks. He has scored twice this season so far! :)

In other, super amazing news, BOTH of my babies won Terrific Titan. Chyenne won Terrific Titan for her kindergarten class for August and Cohen won Terrific Titan for his Pre-K class for September.
Terrific Titan is an award given to students who exhibit exceptional behavior, listening skills, friendship, etc! I am SO PROUD of them. I knew I had good kids, but it is nice to know that others recognize it too. Btw, they are both loving school.

Chyenne is quite the soccer star this year. She spends the most time with the ball in her possession. She has scored several times and has assisted a TON of goals this year. She is our best defensive player and plays goalie like a champ too!

She's also really fast this year. My girl is very competitive, just like her mama. ;)

So between juggling school, work, soccer, cheerleading, helping raise a 14-15 month old, and everything else in life, we had a great end to our summer. Bring on fall!

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