A lot has happened since I last blogged. I apologize for the delay in blogging but it sure is hard without a good, working, virus-free computer! UGH.
October 2012 brought on much exhaustion. Cohen and I soaked up the last couple of weeks together during the day before I went back to my old medical assistant job. Luckily, I am able to take Chyenne to school still and I'm off on Thursdays to spend all day with my boy and early afternoons with my girl after school.
Chyenne was Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) for Halloween. Cohen was Iron Man (the super hero squad one--he made sure to announce that to everyone who simply called him "iron man". Lol)
We celebrated Halloween with Chyenne's first school-wide party and dance. She had a blast. Cohen and I did too. We also had a halloween block party with some friends and family and only went trick or treating at the great-grandparents house.
Chyenne also went on her first school field trip to a pumpkin patch & Yogi Bear park. Daddy and Cohen accompanied her as I had to work. :( Sad day for mommy but my babies had a blast.
November brought more fun. Chyenne got several "outstanding achievement" awards for reading! She came home from school one day and said, "so I thought I was in trouble because I was reading to miss charlise and ms Lura called the principal in there...but really, she just wanted me to read to her!" My sweet girl. She will be placed in a kindergarten reading class in January. Her teacher said to expect Chy to spend more time with the kindergarten class than the pre-k class. Cool. Cohen mastered shooting his BB gun that he received for his 3rd birthday (which reminds me that I need to post that too!). We had a glorious family thanksgiving celebration with both Colt's family and mine. This holiday was especially tough as it was the first big family holiday since Granny passed away in March this year.
December flew by far too fast. My newest nephew was born on 12-12-12. Sweet Korben Warner {insert his last name here} was born weighing 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20 inches long. He is perfect but he gave us all a scare staying in the NICU for 13-14 hours before being back in my sister's arms. He's great now and I'm such a proud aunt. I now have 3 nephews and 6 nieces. One of the best blessings ever.
Chyenne went to the pediatric neurologist at Scottish Rite for her migraines. She has an MRI scheduled for the first week in January. Praying for good news. Not only do we deal with severe vitamin deficiencies with her, she had been diagnosed with migraines in addition to her usual divaness. She also has fevers very often. Patience ad prayer.
December brought on lots of shopping, working, school work, and fun for us. I threw the kids (Chyenne, Cohen, their cousins and some of their closest friends) a big Christmas Pajama Party. It was SO fun. We baked cookies, made popcorn, made Christmas crafts and Christmas ornaments, danced to Christmas music, decorated faux gingerbread (graham cracker) houses, ate too much candy and too many sweets, drank out weight in hot chocolate, laughed with friends, read Christmas stories, took pictures, acted silly, and enjoyed the magic of Christmas. It was purely beautiful.
Christmas was wonderful. Chyenne and Cohen were completely spoiled, as usual....but not as much as usual. :) We had a great, fairly quiet Christmas. Cohen's favorite gifts were his drum set, nerf guns, wooden blocks, and his monster trucks. Chyenne loved her vanity, her scooter, her doodle bear, and her real "nurse kit". They both fell head over heels in love with their shared gifts: a four wheeler and a puppet theatre.
2012 was a year of joy, sorrow, happiness, pain, laughter, learning, growing, needing, togetherness, separation, tears, grins, smiles, and so much more. I hope 2013 goes by a little bit slower. I need more time to soak in the goodness that is life.
Here's to hoping I can keep the blog up to date!
Pictures are coming as soon as I get my computer fixed! I cannot figure out how to import pictures from my phone or my tablet! UUUGGGGHHHHH!
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