Whew! It's tough to believe the summer break is almost over. Even harder to believe that our sweet son will be THREE in just 10 days. Harder still to believe our daughter will be starting "BIG SCHOOL" in less than a month.
We haven't done much this summer. It's been quite low-key and probably exactly what we have needed after a busy year. Daddy has started a "yard sale store" where he is buying/selling/trading tons of crap, even more than before. I try to stay as far away as I can. It makes me nervous to see him taking chances with money. Ha. He has also been away a lot with different Army schools.
Our summer has consisted of swimming in our pool, VBS, Cheer Camp for Chy, random projects, homeschool work, trips to the park, reading, playing with cousins, playdates, general playing, and not much of anything else.
At {10 days shy of} 3 years old, Cohen is simply amazing. He is hilarious with the best sense of humor. He his extremely bright and inquisitive. He knows his alphabet (and can identify all of the letters of the alphabet), knows his numbers (can identify 1-10), can count to 20 or more, can spell his first name and is doing very well writing it, he signs songs and has a very vivid imagination. His favorite things are super heroes (you know, Iron Man, Spiderman, The Hulk, Captain America, Green Lantern, etc), pirates, sharks, dinosaurs, trucks, bikes and motorcycles, animals, blocks, and arts and crafts. He speaks as if he's a grown man (meaning with a deep voice and loads of enthusiasm and confidence). He has been insistent for months that he is not two, he is "about to be free (3)". Adorable. He's very excited about his upcoming SHARK THEMED BIRTHDAY to celebrate him finally turning three. I'm excited for him too. He's such fun and I cannot wait to see him have a great time. He now also rides his bike (with training wheels or his tricycles) without assistence besides a "big push to get started". He's independent yet still cuddly and loving. Slow down growing up sweet boy. 
I think we will welcome being "back on schedule" when Chy starts school. Chyenne has mixed feelings about starting school. She's anxious, nervous, and excited to say the least. The only problem is that she is a planner. She is so apprehensive about school because she meets her teacher (open house) the day before school starts. She doesn't know what the school looks like inside, what her class looks like, what her teacher looks like, where the bathroom is, etc. She wants to know everything about "big school". We're a bit worried about her going to PRESCHOOL because she far surpasses Georgia Pre-K standards (well she also far surpasses kindergarten standards). She is just too bright and we do not want her to get bored. IF she does get bored and they're not willing to teach up, we'll take her out and follow through with MY plan of homeschooling. (Daddy insisted that we sign her up for big school for her to be around her friends and to give mommy and Cohen quality time together). We'll see. Her school has a great gifted program, we'll have to make sure they test her for gifted in pre-k, despite the "kindergarten rule". SIGH.
I mentioned that our summer has been filled with READING. Chy's reading! HOORAY! She is doing excellent. She gets discouraged at times when she tries for big words but she's really reading! YAY! She is still working on comprehension since she's sounding most words out still.
My sister and I threw our daddy a surprise 50th Birthday Party. LOVE HIM!
I also have a new niece (born July 2nd) who has been keeping us quite busy too since they live in our attached apartment. :)
Such beautiful babies. Sometimes just hanging out is the best thing to do. Kids stay so busy all year.